With the support of Sky, Freshwater Films have made the latest production of Extreme World the most sustainable to date by working to the green production guidelines in albert+. By reducing travel and fuel consumption the production calculated its carbon footprint as 20% lower than its genre average.
Almost everything we do in the television industry has an impact on our planet
That’s why Sky and Freshwater Films have teamed up to make the latest series of Extreme World the most sustainable yet.
We wanted to take steps to reduce our carbon footprint, so for the first time we have become an albert+ certified production and I’m pleased to say that my latest series of Extreme World has been recognised for the steps it has taken to manage and reduce its environmental impact.
By changing the way we work we have managed to reduce our carbon footprint by 20% compared to the industry genre average. We’ve done this by switching to greener ways of traveling, using public transport wherever possible, and by never leaving our engines running.
Along with the support from Sky, we’ve found albert+ an invaluable tool on our continuous journey to make our production more sustainable.