Call Sheets

Call Sheets
You are required to include the following wording on all call sheets:
[INSERT PRODUCTION COMPANY NAME] and Sky have a zero tolerance approach to inappropriate behaviour on any of our productions. All of our productions should be safe, inclusive, professional, and welcoming working environments. If you have concerns about anything you see or experience throughout production then you can:
• Speak to your supervisor or your production’s dedicated Safeguarding Representative [insert name and number]
• Speak to the TV and Film Charity’s 24hrs/7 days a week free support line on 0800 054 0000
• Contact Sky’s confidential helpline on 0808 234 9777 or go to
Please be assured that any issues raised will be treated confidentially and anyone working on our productions should feel confident they can report issues without ANY retaliation for raising a concern. In addition to raising concerns, the TV & Film Charity’s 24hrs/7 days a week free helpline can also be used to access wellbeing and mental health support. Further information can be found at