Inclusive procurement

Inclusive procurement

Our supplier diversity and inclusion strategy

Mission & Commitment

Our mission is to create an inclusive supply chain that provides a level playing field and equal opportunities for all qualified suppliers, with a focus on businesses owned and operated by under-represented groups. We are committed to fostering diversity, equality, and inclusion among all our suppliers.

“Sky's Inclusive procurement strategy aims to create a commercial environment where all businesses can thrive. By focusing on underrepresented groups (Women; those with Black, Asian or Ethnic minority background; disabled people; members of the LGBT+ community) we ensure that our sourcing practices are inclusive for everyone”.
Rob Collie

Group Director of Procurement
Our commitment to diversity, equality, and inclusion spans across all our supplier relationships. Our strategy has two key goals: 

Provide a level playing field

For all qualified suppliers to ensure Sky accesses the entire market for innovation & ideas, whilst also maximizing competition. To support diverse suppliers’ economic prosperity and that of their communities, ensuring long term market health.

Fostering Diversity Equality and Inclusion

Encourage all our suppliers to uphold diversity, equality, and inclusion values within their own practices.

To qualify as a diverse supplier you will be 51% owned and operated by one of the following:- 

Black Owned Business  

Ethnic Minority Owned Business 

Woman Owned Business  

Disability Owned Business 

LGBTQ+ Owned Business 

Find out more on our strategy and our Inclusive Procurement Maturity model - Powered by Sky

Process and Compliance

To partner with Sky, suppliers must adhere to Comcast’s Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Business Partners. We look for suppliers who can deliver quality products or services, are financially sound, committed to responsiveness and service excellence, and capable of meeting both existing and future business needs.

Register as a diverse supplier

Our partners